In the cold street

Yesterday I met bosnian woman begging in the street. She told me she has no job, But need to feed her children. Actually I just came out from job agency. I couldn't get any job. Not really different from her. I guess she was croatian, Because she told me she is christian. Maybe she meant catholic. I learned there are Croatian, Selvian and Muslims in Bosnia. But actually they are same south slavian. They just divide themselves by religions. That's all I learned about. I was there few days only, so not really sure.
Anyway it's sad Still there was such woman far from her home and begging in an extreme cold street. I need money as well, But gave her little money. I'll give up cup of coffee for exchange.
Is really pity how the economical situation is for millions of people, specially the ones that don't have enough to live with, starving, desperate, really a shame, people usually go abroad to have a new chance in life, make their dreams come true, but just few people are able to do it... nowadays you need to be "prepared" to get a good job.... in my country, thousands of people go abroad in ilegal way to find their american dreams, cause they are not able to pay $100 to get a VISA to USA.... (and that doesn't mean that you'll get it, anyway).... and there are many people that die when they pass or just on the way when they try to pass the frontier...... back to your story, you did a really good thing, i'm pretty sure that the woman felt as a blessing, the money you gave to her!! :)
I hope so. but both of I and her took much trouble to understand eachoether. Because of different accent. Here peaple speak mainly French. I wanted to ask her when she moved out from Bosnia and why she doesn't back to there. Maybe her hadsband is not Bosnian. Because her children in her picture which she has shown me were not really look typical Bosnian. They looked more like southeastern, I thought Cambosian. But she looked Bosnian. That's why I got more confused:p
You did the best thing man. Here in Athens there are also many people, not only from other countries but greeks too, they are on the streets too many heroine addicts, begging for money too...I try to give them also a small amount of money :)
Its so good to help people, anyway you can...just a small help from everyone and maybe these people wouldnt be in the streets begging...
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