Happy funny lazy guys

This is a gipny, a kind of small bus in Philippine. Of course it's not benz, But never mind.
I was there for a year. It was hard to stay in philippine. I love to eat, But I didn't like philippina foods. Actually they don't have really local foods. They just boil whatever they have without washing it very well, or just go to hamburger shops... There's a reason they lost their culture. It was colony of foreign countries for More than 400 years. Of China, Spain, US, and Japan.
On the other hand I was enjoying people in Philippine. They are funny and kind. Always playing Basketball without working. I was often to join them. I was playing basketball in high school. Good for 3 point shoot.
wow man, you really woke me some very distant memories of philippines, I remember these kind of colourful "buses":D
When I was staying on my familys small island, my grandparents always cooked for us, fish fish and again fish hehehe:P
aaa I remember even in that small island, everybody was playing basketball, they are crazy about it! :)
Hello Jerry!!! i took a look of your blog, and i must say that you have really great pictures as well!!! :D This kind of buses are always fun to watch, there are some of them in my country too, and it's funny to read all the stuffs on them, they are really "llamativos", so colourful and fun, and let me tell ya that most of the time are really fun inside of them, good music and some of them are adapted for tourists and even you can take some kind of "ferry view" from the second floor!! ;) well, the one at the picture don't have enough space to dance, huh? but it looks really nice!!! Thanks for your comments i really appreciate it!! :D
See now that is information... i don't know much about the Philipines but would love to go and visit some day.
There is one thing though.. when a country is 400 years under colonializarion it obviously looses a part of it's own culture but at the same time Bosnia and Herzegovina was under the rule of the Turkish Empire for 415 years and then under the rule of Austro-Hungarians for half that time and adopted a lot of wonderful things into the culture but maintaining the same values. We got their architecture, infrastructure, food, clothing and just mixed it up with ours. The country is a sum of all those mixes now. You should know, you've seen it :)
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anyway welcome lore. and i'm happy to hear you all. i've never seen people dansing onthe roof of this bus. but maybe it's possible in countryside. must be fun. yeap i like culture mix. here montreal is like that. but actually the reson philippina people dont cook well is just they are lazy to learn new things or to take trouble for it. they love macdnald's fried potato. so i have cooked(it's not kind of cooking for me) it for them. they are happy to take fried potato for unlimited. they asked me how to cook. i said "ok first of all you have to cut potato like this". "oh no! what a big trouble!" they said.
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