Why kids?

This is not my picture. But interesting. She is standing by the mine field in Cambodia. Do you think it's passed? No, it's still going on. I was in Cambodia. Don't ask me about Angkor wat. I've never been there. Nobody believes in Angkor wat now. It's just touristic place. All such places lost its spiritual power. That's why I wasn't interesting.
Anyhow, It's sad that these days victims of mines are usually children. Because some of them are shepherding cows around mine fields. They need to step in the field. I have seen many of them. They have nothing to do with war. It's ended 31 years ago. But they've been grown up in the presence of mines.
The other Pictures of Cambodia and Vietnam
...its so sad to see innocent children suffering from the mistakes that were made by humans years ago.
..this face looks sad..its not a face a kid should have..
I havent been to Cambodia, only have read about the seriousness of the many landmines left behind..
I cant imagine it..a kid playing or shepherding cows..and suddenly BOOM, and if the kid is lucky enough to live, he wont have legs...
This is one of those photos that really touch deep in our hearts... i agree, is really sad that the most of people that suffers during wars are children, that's really pity situation, they innocent little angels growing in an unhealthy environment, watching people kill each other and the suffering and violence... Why??.... why grown up people let this things happen??
actually children were usually bright even in cambodia. they have trauma. but only sometime they have shown me their sadness on their faces. children are stronger than grew up people. most of people never notice it.
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